
Black Male Privilege

Curious as to what people think about this idea. The intersections of race and gender are always complicated as are the politics of respectability and the history of sexual violence. Does this make sense to folks? Is there such a thing as Black Male Privilege? If so, is Dr. Lewis defining it correctly?

1 comment:

aviva said...

i have a lot more thinking to do on this...but in the meantime what stands out to me is lewis' insistance that gendered interpersonal violence and oppression is part of a continuum of oppression on ANY AND ALL other kinds.

state violence, sexual violence, racial violence, verbal, phsyical, emotional, political, real, imagined, interpersonal, institutional, it's all linked and fluid. simoultaneously makes it so much harder and complex and impossible and yet... the interconnectedness is so thorough that there is a simplicity to it