
Lil Wayne's Afterthought On Haiti and New Orleans


This is an important thing for him to have done. He has been so famous for the last few years and in the age of cut and paste this is will spread so quickly.
I wonder what it could have looked like for him to attempt to start a conversation (in virtual internet land or just in that room) about why this "amazing" response that the world is having to Haiti did not ever happen for New Orleans. Maybe he is not the one to facilitate that conversation. Maybe his role is as a sound bite man and our role as listeners is to go home and discuss why this happened. To discuss the complexities of cell phone donations and knowing someone who knows someone who was there but not really feeling it. Or maybe the answer as to why this happened the way that it did is too painful to get into. For anyone. For Weezy. For us. For the United States' self image.

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