
Things I heard for the first time today

Waiting outside of Glenn Memorial on the campus of Emory University to hear Cornel West speaking on Race in America I heard,
"I just don't get where there are NON EMORY students taking OUR seats."
As part of Cornel West's lecture on America's racial history he talked about,
"Mustering the courage to cry."
He reminded us that this is not an easy task but that people have been doing it for centuries and without it we wouldn't have JAZZ and HIP-HOP and PAINTING and LOVE.

RE RE RE RE listening to The Messengers as done by J.Period and K'naan and I heard Bob Dylan say,
"Nothing in this story has been changed, except for the words."

Always trying to get better at listening. Don't you always remember those people that listened SO well the first time you met them?


RB said...

<3 miss you

Mimi said...

yes, i do remember. you.