
Paideia is on Fire

One buildings of my high school is on fire right now. Please hold us in the light. They are thinking it was intentionally set. Many of us reacted to the new as if it was our own home. It was in many many ways.


aviva said...

it is always so hard to think about accountability and justice outside of our formal governmental system of crime and punishment. i wonder what kind of conversation will take place about the perpetrators of this awful action that is so hurtful and damaging to so many...

RB said...

im actually scared of the backlash. not that people will act physically violently but that it was so public and so painful for us that a reaction could so easily be violent in other ways "us" vs. "them" etc etc.. in the mean time, i walked by tonight for the first time.. saw all the damage and shed some tears.. so many wonderful memories and life lessons learned in that space..