
Call Me the Poor Girl Cause I Love to Fight Them

gchat: where real talk happens

8:53 AM me: omgggg

8:54 AM Ishta: this is ridiculous
i dont know about you, but im personally not down for the moon or the prize
it's all a little fishy
especially because he wasn't even nominated

me: agreed

8:56 AM Ishta : but whatevs im a total conspiracy theorist half the time

me: oh me too
we are prob right too

8:58 AM Ishta : conspirators tend to be mad obvious though anyway
and wtf we bombed the moon on the same day that obama got the prize
projecting, anyone?
trying to distract us

me: obvi

8:59 AM Ishta : i don't know who to be suspicious of...nasa or....the us gov...wait aren't those like almost the same thing
i was watching msnbc this morning and they said the patriot act was supposed to be getting an expansion

me: mama came into my room at 7 and said obama won the peace pirze and i was half asleep and i said ..."why"

Ishta : yeah
they said he's giving a speech at 10:30
this is so weird

9:01 AM me: ugh
Ishta : yeah
pigs have flown
on that avian swine flu tip

9:02 AM me: is unthankful a word?

Ishta : haha

me: im putting this conversation on my blog

9:03 AM Ishta : oh boyzies

me: haha
no really, is it a word?

Ishta : i'm all about making shit up
ishta is a word in arabic and it means cool

9:04 AM me: :-)

Ishta : i thought that was just the sound people made when they censored the word shit on the radio
anything is possible.
and yet they are interchangeable in english, look:
ruby-beth is the ishta

9:05 AM im scared for this blog post :-{

me: dont be
the gov is watching us already

9:06 AM ill change your name

Ishta : ok
i'm so curious about what he's going to say

me: nothing

1 comment:

RB said...

Outkast has some comentary on the matter:

Makes no sense at all
Makes no sense at all (blah blah blah blah)
Makes no sense at all (blah blah blah blah)
Makes no sense at all (blah blah)

1 and 1 makes 2, 2 and 2 makes 4, 4 and 4 makes 8 and 8 makes 16
16 and, 16 makes (32 Percival)
Ahh makes no sense at all
Who needs lyrics anyway (ummm... YOU!)

How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?
How in the hell do we get ourselves in these situations?